Thursday, May 3, 2012

Answer to prayers

Some of you may know that lately I've been kind of discouraged in my job.  It's hard entering an entirely new community, knowing no one, and preforming a job you don't exactly know how to do.  I'm sure there are a lot of other volunteers who have felt the same way I do.  This has been weighing heavy on my heart lately and to be completely honest getting me down.  However I'm learning that the Lord is so faithful and answers prayers when you most need it.  Today was my answer to prayer.

Brennan and I had scheduled to meet with ANAM (an environmental agency I partner with) to go out to visit a group they are working with.  ANAM works with tons of different groups, but for some reason I assumed (never assume) it was the same women's group I had met the other day that did a lot of farming work.  I'm definitely not against learning about farming, but I certainly don't have any knowledge to impart on these hard working ladies.  I felt more useless than anything and was feeling a little unmotivated to participate a second day.  But for some reason God had a different plan and ANAM actually ended up taking us to another project they are heading up with a different group in the same location.  This project deals with "viveros" which means tree nurseries.  For some odd reason I had really been wanting to take part in a reforestation project (even though I know nothing about them) and I completely counted it an answer to prayer when we showed up at the site.  When we arrived  little black bags were already filled with the special soil (mixed with compost and healthier than the dirt from the ground) so our first job was to dig little holes into each bag of soil and plant the tree seeds.  By the end Brennan and I planted 1,064 Caoba seeds and can I tell you our legs and backs were feeling it from all the squatting we did (approximately 3 hours)!  We then transferred every single bag by wheelbarrow to a marked off location under a special tarp in order to keep the seeds from harm from intense sun or rain.  While transferring the bags I also did a little weeding to eliminate any weeds that might cause harm to the seed.  Then a little watering and now we watch them grow.  It will take about 15 days for the seeds to germinate and in the mean time Javier who lives next to the nursery will water the seeds twice a day and do daily weeding.  Brennan and I will check up with him in one week to see how the process is going.  Eventually, I believe in one or two months, we will create organic compost to put around the baby trees to help  nourishment them.  The end goal is to transplant the trees into an area that will replace the trees that have been cut down.  Some benefits to planting trees are the increase of availability of products like firewood, fruits, etc.  Also trees help provide wind breaks, help ensure quality air and water through natural methods, and improve the environment by preventing soil erosion and increasing soil fertility.  If you want to learn more about tree nurseries and the benefits to reforestation check out this link:

Anyways the whole point of today's blog is to say God answers prayers.  Brennan and I had a blast learning this new process and contributing to something that can make a great environmental impact.  I needed a day like today to lift my spirits and get me excited about my program.  He is always so faithful and has the perfect timing.  I'm really excited to be working with the vivero and I'll fill you in on how it's coming along in the coming months.  Sorry no pictures today because my camera was out of battery, but I'll snag some next week when we go back to the site.

Oh I forgot to mention I met a new friend named Bella through the women's group and she invited us over for lunch today.  She made us toasted rice (different from the normal white rice), chicken and pasta.  We had a great time chatting with her and she gave us tons of mango to take home (my new favorite fruit!).  Working with the tree nursery and having lunch with the nicest lady just made for a wonderful uplifting day.  Thanks to everyone that has been keeping us in your prayers!


  1. Sometimes I cry when I read your posts. Today is one of those days. Tears of gratefulness to answered prayer. I love you.

  2. Julie when you cry that always makes me cry!

  3. Lacey, Nothing like planting seeds to grow one's spirits. That is why I like to plant flowers, these ity bity little seeds grow quickly into big beautiful flowers. Planting sunflowers is one of my favorite wonders, they grow so fast and pretty. I never get tired of watching them develop. I believe the Lord uses His creations to teach us how a seed struggles to burst from its pod, set down some roots, breaks ground, grows a stock, sends out leaves and branches and then the bloom. It always takes a bit of patient waiting before you see the reward. I believe the Lord has you right where he wants you and I know he teaches us more through our trials than our victories. In fact,n I know from my own experiences that God uses these trials and provides us ministry opportunities when we move through them and are able to encourage others when they experience similar things.

    The Lord has many reasons he placed you in Panama, and some of them may not reveal themselves until much later, and so we grow. I love you and I am truly enjoying your blog that keeps us up with the lives of Brennan and Lacey, too cool. I continue to pray for you daily and your openess shows the areas to prioritize. Jim

  4. Lacey, Our hearts are singing gratitude and praise to the Lord for the encouragement He provided you and Brennan on your tree planting day. Thanks for sharing your witness of His love with us, as this gives us encouragement as well. He is a God that hears and answers our prayers! We love you both. Given time
    all those around you will see your tender hearts, hard working spirit and desire to do an excellent job to serve others to God's glory. Love you, Shari and Kent
